Heaven and Earth Qigonq Workshop - Downton

Heaven and Earth Qigonq Workshop - Downton

BDJ sect2 1

After a very popular first workshop practising this unique material, we are happy to announce an second session where we can delve more deeply into the Marriage of Heaven and Earth Qigong, as well as allow those of you who missed the first session to learn how to:

  • Relieve tension in the body and mind with a soft tissue stretch.
  • Increase flexibility and range of motion.
  • Strengthen the neck, arms, legs, spine and internal organs.

With regular attendance at our monthly workshops, you will be able to develop some authentic Qigong and Tai Chi (taijiquan) skills and find balance in this very demanding world we live in. This workshop focuses on internal energy work (qigong / neigong), opening-up and stregthening the physical body with authentic qigong forms, based on The Marriage of Heaven adn Earth Qigong.

    • 1000-1300 Session 1 £36: Qigong principles and basic movements
    • 1400-1600 Session 2 £24: Heaven and Earth Qigong advanced movements

    FULL DAY concession £56

Like its element Wood, the Spring season brings the opportunity of growth and gentle extension. The liver and gall bladder come into focus, enabling you to move towards that which you have set your heart on. When these organs are unhealthy it makes us short tempered and angry. Anger arises when we are prevented from doing what we want to do. A healthy liver can help us to respond more calmly to obstacles in our path; to smoothly adapt and change rather than getting stuck.

In this workshop, we will be paying particular attention to discovering our limits before gently creating extension in our body. We will be teaching material from the Marriage of Heaven and Earth Qigong to open the joints and spine and stretch the tissue.

The benefits of these workshops apply to beginners and seasoned practitioners alike. If you are experienced in one of the exercises we are teaching, you will have the added benefit, with our guidance, of being able to delve more deeply into its components. Each session will also allow you to integrate the seasonal theme into your daily practice, using whatever Tai Chi or Qigong form or exercise routine you may know - irrespective of its origin.

Event Information

Event Date Sun 23rd Jun 2024 - 10:00 am
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price £24-£56: applied at checkout
Location Downton, Memorial Hall

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

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