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Traditional Tai Chi - Wilton

Traditional Tai Chi - Wilton

Principles & Form of Yang Style Tai Chi

group raisehands wu

We continue our study of traditional Yang style Tai Chi principles, using the '108 Long Form' as a vehicle to express what we have learnt. This class is only available to those who already have some Tai Chi (taijiquan) experience, particularly in Yang style. As is the traditional way, theis class uses partner connection work to help us develop greater sensitity to the subtle energies at play when we join with the taiji process. None of our partner work is designed to be competitive.

If you wish to join these sessions - please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. first.

Cost: £10 

Led by Patrick Foley, Senior Instructor Tai Chi Union of Great Britain, indoor student of Master Sam Masich.
60 minutes of exercise.

We cannot offer refunds for non-attendance under any circumstances; nor can we re-schedule classes for you at the last minute. We trust you will understand this is now a necessary step for us.

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Yang Style Taijiquan

The Yang style of tai chi (taijiquan) is characterized by more open movements with clear expression of the application - it is the perfect study for those who want to practice tai chi for robust health, mindfulness and subtle connection. 

Also known as ‘Long Fist’ or ‘Long Boxing’ , the Yang style 108 barehand routine is probably the common Tai Chi (taijiquan) form studied in the world today by students serious to learn the traditional art. There are many variations, and most of us would acknowledge that modern Yang style Tai Chi comes from Yang Cheng Fu, the grandson of Yang Lu Chan (1799-1872), who founded the style. We studied (and still practise) the form with Master Sam Masich, who is a truly gifted researcher of the art and has studied, amongst many others, with Yang Zhendou, the son of Yang Cheng Fu.

What is Tai Chi Connection work?

Taijiquan, in its essence, is a partner activity. Traditionally speaking, solo forms and exercises are meant to prepare for two person work. While practitioners can learn and experience many positive results from solo work, far greater benefit comes from applying principles while in physical contact with another taiji player. It can fairly be said that without partner connection the essence of taiji is missing.

For various reasons partner work does not appeal to everyone and many enthusiasts have had unhappy experiences with taiji push-hands or martial applications work. The purpose of wuduan jue-shou or 'sensing-hands' is to open up a tactile dialogue which includes communication through touch, transformation of energy and movement through relaxation. By focusing attention on the basics of making and maintaining partner connection (rather than on competitive outcomes), jue-shou can help practitioners to transform what they have learned through solo work into a meaningful understanding of the art of taijiquan. Sensing-hands, as adopted by the 5 section program, is in fact authentic preparation for traditional taiji partner work.

Event Information

Event Date Wed 5th Feb 2025 - 12:00 pm
Capacity 16
Available Place 10
Individual Price £10
Location Wilton, Comm Centre

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Location Map

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